National Immunization Awareness Month Is Marked In August

National Immunization Awareness Month Is Marked In August

In August, We Remind Ourselves How Important Immunization Is

August is designated for an annual observance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. This observance provides the occasion to remind the population of the importance of immunization. Please make sure that your family and friends are up-to-date on their immunizations.

Everybody Can Help Spread The Word

In August, parents are joining children in school, older students are starting college, and adults and the health care community are preparing for the upcoming flu season. These circumstances make August an especially great time to concentrate community attention on the importance of immunization.

Some diseases, like HPV, are linked to cancer, so by raising awareness on immunization, we are also fighting cancer. 

Immunization Is The Key To Public Health

Dr. Shyamali Singhal, surgical oncologist and founder of H&B, says that there is no one preventive health measure more critical than immunization. As the WHO (World Health Organization) writes, the international medical community has approved the use of vaccination to limit and control several infectious diseases, as well as chronic illnesses caused by contagious agents. Vaccinating your child can avoid pain and death associated with ailments like diarrhea, measles, pneumonia, polio, and whooping cough. The American Academy of Pediatrics says vaccines are 99% effective. Every vaccine goes through a series of rigorous tests before being allowed to be put to use. Vaccines are important to limit the spread of infectious diseases. Some diseases that many had thought exterminated have reappeared, as polio did in Venezuela in 2018. Vaccines are studied intensively by the FDA, the CDC, and many other organizations that keep watch over currently existing vaccines for all possible issues.

The Importance Of Herd Immunity

Herd immunity is when a determined percent of immunized people in a community come to a level where most people, including those who are too young or too sick to be vaccinated, get some degree of protection. To achieve this, as many people as possible must get immunized. It’s very risky to the health of other children to rely on herd immunity to protect the non-immunized children. By neglecting or opting to skip booster vaccinations, people who do that are undermining the effectiveness of herd immunity for both their own family and the community at large.

When was the last time you checked to see if your immune system is up to date? This August, National Immunization Awareness Month raises awareness and encourages everyone to make sure they are current on the necessary vaccinations for potentially harmful diseases. Many diseases can be easily prevented by administering vaccines, and thus, protecting you from hidden viruses. Take the required precautions with a simple call to your doctor, and avoid potential harm while leading a healthy, happy life.

How To Celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month

Talk to your doctor.

The only way to be sure about what vaccinations you’ve received is to collect your medical records. Contact your doctor and ask for your immunization records to conclude whether or not you are up to date.

Talk to your friends and family about it.

Even people that feel healthy should get vaccinated. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them. When you check your immunization records, encourage friends to do the same, and you can all make sure you are up to date.

Learn your family history so that you can inform your doctor.

A family medical history can exhibit the history of the disease in your family and help a doctor identify patterns that might be relevant to your health. Your family history will allow the doctor to be best informed about recommending vaccines for immunization.

Safety Of Vaccines

There are many public discussions around the safety of the vaccinations available. However, governments across the world, acting upon the guidance of leading scientists and medical professionals, are overwhelmingly supporting immunization plans. Still, the growing voice of the anti immunization advocates has lead to a drop in the number of people becoming immunized. There is little surprise that because of this the number of people affected by diseases is again on the rise.

For more information about available immunizations, visit one of the official websites, and do talk to your physician or doctor.